Fact Sheets
In September 2019, the Citizens' Assembly on Democracy formulated 22 recommendations for action to politicians. Here you will find detailed implementation proposals for the central recommendations. [read more]
Citizens‘ Assembly handed over its report
The Citizens‘ Assembly on Democracy handed over its report with 22 specific recommendations for strengthening the German democracy to the President of the German Bundestag, Wolfgang Schäuble, on the Day for Democracy, 15 November 2019. [read more]
The citizens' assembly
The citizens’ assembly is at the heart of our democratic experiment. In a secured space, people selected by lot discussed how our democracy should continue. People who would otherwise never enter into conversation together sat alongside each other to discuss fundamental questions. Those who would otherwise have remained silent were given the opportunity to have their say. [read more]
How sortition works
The citizens’ assembly for democracy was designed as a nationwide process. Anyone with German citizenship aged 16 and over was eligible to participate. When drawing from the sample of citizens, it had to be certain that all potential participants theoretically had the chance to be selected. [read more]
Citizens Assemblies - how and why they work
How do we as a society find ways out of the democratic crisis, the climate crisis, the financial crisis? How can we shape our future, achieve a fair distribution of resources, achieve generational justice...? We need new ways of finding ideas, cooperating in the political arena and working together. In many countries, allotted citizens‘ committees, also known as Citizens‘ Councils or Citizens‘ Assemblies, have already been successfully set up. Our guide helps to understand what Citizens Assemblies are and how they work. [read more]